Saturday, October 21, 2006

All about rust...

Rust dyed fabric by Nuno

Steel plates

This weekend I was very fortunate in that I had the opportunity to take part in a Nuno led workshop at my school (Nuno is a Japanese textile company that produces cutting edge fabrics. If you're into surface design, you've probably heard of them. If you haven't - check out their website. Their work is pretty darned amazing.) We've been preparing metal for weeks now, and trying to plan our schedules (we are now in the midst of midterm critiques) so that we wouldn't miss a moment.

Can anyone guess what's going on here? Our fabric is layered between plastic, masonite boards, blankets, and weighted down.

The fabric, ready to be opened.

Me, peeking to see if it worked.

It did!

Samples on different types of fabric. The spattered rust piece was made using gun powder.

The workshop grande finale is a joint show between Nuno and the participants. The top photo is the gallery centerpiece. This has been an absolutely amazing experience. I'm in love with rust dyeing after one go. We were very lucky in that our Nuno represenative is an expert in rust dyeing. She rust dyed several kimonos for her final university show, two with all over rust patterns, one done more plainly, using rusted swords. They were absolutely breathtaking.

Does anyone want more details? I'm swamped with studio stuff until later this week, but I'd be happy to post more about the process then.

And I really have finished one of those Baudelaire socks.


Anonymous said...

very interesting, looks like a lot of work. Your work looks excellent

Anonymous said...

As you know I am ALWAYS interested in what you are footloose and fancy free (ie free of kiddlets and suburban jobs/stuff) chick.

Anonymous said...

Very cool!

Dorothy said...

That looks really cool. I like the different shapes on the center panel. Will that wash out or blur if it gets wet?

Leigh said...

Your pieces are really neat. Very eye catching. I'd be interested in seeing more about the process, but take your time!

Anonymous said...

What is the projected longevity of these pieces? Gallery owners pooh-pooh textiles often because of the perceived short life span - never mind the Bayeaux tapestries are still brilliant.
Did you treat them afterward to get back to a normal pH?
Just very curious.

Nic said...

I love looking at your textile pics. They are so gorgeous